Friday, October 25, 2013

We are different. Its ok :)

so last week I didn't get the chance to post but we learned about Gender Roles and how they effect a family.
So guys I really am sorry for all of you who believe we need to be the same, total equality for everyone, there is no difference between boys and girls besides their parts . . . there are differences, in the body and the brain.
The differences can be seen from the beginning.
 Girls are more nurturing, are better at verbal communication, they link emotions to this verbal communication (they generally have 5x more connective tissue between verbal and emotional centers in their brains), prefer nurturing play where they can create relationships and talk to each other, they are more emotional and sometimes use these emotions to solve problems, and girls are generally more relationship oriented, and are better with land marks then directions and their brain is more like a bunch of compartments. They can think of many things at once and everything is connected.
Guys on the other hand are more strong and tough. No matter what you try and teach them guys were created to be the protectors. They are taught to have no emotion, they are spacilly oriented,  play quite aggressively, and their brain is like one large room. They can only REALLY think  about one thing at once. That's why men generally make better soldiers and therapists. They can separate home and work from each other and when they get to one the problems of the other disappear.
People have tried giving their kids "gender natural" toys but generally they still go to their natural tendencies. Boys turn everything into guns. For a long time my mom was against giving my brother those plastic guns and swords. My brother still managed to turn EVERYTHING into a weapon. Food, sticks, his fingers, my babies, anything and everything. Girls turn things into baby's or houses. My teacher told a story about someone who gave their twins, a boy and a girl, both cars. Well one day they saw the little girl carrying around a bunched up blanket and the car was wrapped up in it. When they asked her what she was carrying she smiled and said "baby"
I believe that we as woman are wired to want and have and nurture children. That is our divine role.
Men are wired to provide and protect. That's the way it is and in a healthy marriage you cover each other, and teach each other to go past these natural tendencies.
Now I do agree men and women are equal but they are not the same. There is a difference between the two. Each gender has differences and roles that are equally important for a well functioning family.
Now there are some girls that when they are in the womb get this blast of estragin that makes them a little more masculine but that does not make them lesbian just because they are more into building cars then they are into makeup. And just because they have the urge and desire to go out and get a job and provide it doesn't mean that will bring them true joy and fulfillment. Its not all about whats easy or comfortable but about whats fulfilling.
I know these subjects are touchy, especially the next one. Please I do not mean to offend anyone, these are just the things ive learned. I still love and respect all kinds of people.
Along with gender roles we learned about same sex attraction. There is no conclusive evidence that its biologically predetermind. Even men and women who identify as Gay or Lesbian agree that if a person is using the "I was born this way" excuse its just a load of bull. Many times people who identify that way have been abused or have not had the kind of relationships they so desperately needed as a child with parents and or peers.
the main list of factors contributing to same sex attraction as I understand are
-sexual abuse
-wounded sence of masculentity (or femininity)
-rejection (from peers or parents or both, generally of the same sex)
-envy or jealousy (of things a person of the same sex has. for example if a man is skinny he might see a man with a lot of muscles and romanticize that feature)
-feeling inferior
-longing for attention from male peers.
-being bullied-feeling unsafe-detached from peers of the same sex
-craving positive attention from father
-over bearing mother-mother doesn't respect
-They don't get healthy interaction through touch (ex: hugs, pat on the back, ect)
-pornography addictions
Attachment problems generally lead to gender problems which lead to sexual problems. its not a problem of sexuality but a starvation of intimate relationships. Close friends, people you connect to of the same sex that you trust and can be good friends with.
Perception is everything. It doesn't matter what happens but rather how was perceive what happens. A boy whos first encounter with positive attention from other males is sexual abuse will decide he is gay. In cases like this, where the child was abused, the age the abuse started is when they decided they must be gay.
In different studies, including one done by NARTW ( National Association for research and therapy for homosexuals) Men who identify as gay have a greater chance of  Suicide, depression, violence, antisocial behavior, substance abuse, promiscuity, personality disorders, anxiety, stds, different cancers, eating disorders, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
There are three words we use when it comes to same sex attraction
same sex attraction - finding someone physically attractive of the same sex
homosexuality - they have acted upon their same sex attraction, even just as a thought.
gay - a label, a definition
That's why we have to be so careful with calling names and defining other people and ourselves. We put people in a box and they cant get out. Its dangerous.
These people can change though. Through therapy, even for something else can have an effect on the people and they become interested and attracted to the opposite sex. My teacher told a story about this as well. He was called to help a guy with depression, this boy identified as gay. After a few months of therapy for this boys depression he came in and said something was wrong, He was feeling attraction toward his friends. My teacher responded with asking why that was a problem, he had always been attracted to men. The boy responded that no he was attracted to his girl friends. By fixing some of the psychological and depression problems this boy was having it put his sexual attraction back to the way it was supposed to be.

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